A Very GNV Holiday Parade 2023

The City of Gainesville is excited to announce its inaugural A Very GNV Holiday Parade to kick-off the season, adding a new, exciting element to the existing downtown festivities that include a tree lighting at the Thomas Center, a kids’ dance party at Bo Diddley Plaza and holiday luminaries/horse and carriage rides in the Duckpond neighborhood. In its grandeur and togetherness, a holiday parade exemplifies the spirit of unity and community that defines the true essence of the holiday season.
To support this event and help ensure its success, we have created 4 levels of sponsorship:
Platinum $10,000; Gold $5,000; Silver $2,500; and Sapphire $1,500
As a show of gratitude, your logo will be displayed on all printed and digital media, your float or vehicle will be included in the parade, and you will have reserved seating in the reviewing stand during the parade.
Please make checks payable to:
Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc.
300 E. University Avenue
Suite 100
Gainesville, Florida 32601
Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. is recognized as a non-profit organization per IRS Code 432.56.215-B. IRS Code: Section 501(c)(3)
Tax Identification Number: 59-3183023