Finding the Acorn of the Soul
Finding the Acorn of the Soul
November 12, 2022
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST
Event Description:
"The myth of the modern world is that this world has no meaning, that it has no center and that we, who find ourselves in the midst of a random universe, are simply accidental beings, both empty of a personal center and lacking in any essential purpose in life." --Michael Meade
In the midst of present-day experiences that seem marred by disconnection, isolation, and confusion, is there another way possibly buried inside the chaos and exile? Is there a hidden acorn of innate value--containing the complete pattern of an eventual oak--simply waiting for conditions to ripen? A mythopoetic approach would suggest so.
By examining the persistent stories of human history and culture to glean archetypal themes of myth, a path appears that can lead to something deeper. Beyond simple allegory or tales of morality and social normativity, a mythopoetic lens reveals the innate genius hidden inside each of us. Whether referred to as daimon, genius, divine twin, guardian spirit, or simply a vision, we each contain the image of our unique potential and particular calling in this life. Discovering this potential is a potent and living practice of self-discovery.
By taking participants through a traditional story and highlighting what can be revealed through the experience, Conor Mitchell will embody the unique tension between individual and community, self and other, fate and destiny. The relational depth created by this process can lead to a therapeutic and transformational exploration of Self.