GHA ELITE Training Center Ribbon Cutting

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Name: GHA ELITE Training Center Ribbon Cutting
Date: March 26, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Event Description:
Join us along with the Gainesville Housing Authority as they celebrate the GRAND OPENING of their new ELITE Training Center. The ELITE Training Center will serve GHA residents, as well as the broader Gainesville community- where lives will be changed by innovative programs - creating successful individuals.

Gainesville Housing Authority (GHA) is an advocate and provider for affordable housing for Gainesville families. Working with the City of Gainesville, U.S. Department of HUD, and other organizations, we provide life resources and opportunities not only to our residents, but to the entire community.

There will be tours, drinks, speeches and the ribbon cutting ceremony will be at 10:00AM
Gainesville Housing Authority    
2626 E. University Ave
Gainesville, FL
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This is a free community event.
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